Unveiling Sustainable Tourism Behaviour and Future Marketing Direction for Wellness Tourism in Kangra Valley Of Himachal Pradesh, India
This study explores the sustainable tourism behaviour of wellness tourists in the Kangra Valley, Himachal Pradesh, examining how demographic factors influence these practices. By focusing on wellness activities such as yoga, meditation, and spa treatments, the research aims to uncover patterns in eco-friendly and socially responsible behaviour among tourists visiting this region. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation to explore the relationships between demographic factors and sustainable tourism behaviour. The findings reveal significant relationships between certain demographic factors and sustainable tourism behaviours. Younger tourists (aged 20-30) are more inclined to engage in environmentally and socially responsible practices. Education level and income also show correlations, albeit weak, with sustainable behaviour such as supporting the local economy and respecting cultural values. The analysis highlights that wellness tourists exhibit diverse sustainable practices, which are influenced by their demographic profiles.
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