Coastal tourism is a significant part of the contemporary tourism, which is growing more and more due to the increasing world population with recreational needs. A part of the coastal tourism refers to using the coastal seawater for recreational activities, such as bathing. The bathing water quality is important for tourist fluxes and maintaining it at high standards is a challenge because of the today's accelerated changes of the natural environment. Using the bibliometric tools biblioshiny and VOSviewer, the main research themes and keywords of some specific research studies (from Web of Science Core Collection) are presented in a graphic form by using a tree map, a production and collaboration map, a three-field plot and a co-occurrence network map. Some of the common words in the selected scientific literature are: “economy”, “management”, “improvement”, “recreational activities”, “wastewater”, “sewage”, “contamination”, “pollution”, “Escherichia coli”, “enterococci”, “model”. Frequently mentioned places are Brazil and Adriatic Sea. An upgraded management of the coastal areas is needed for a sustainable tourism in the near future.
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