Edgar Philip Dsouza, Dayanand M.S., Nilesh Borde


While the role of alcohol tourism has begun to gain importance in the last decade, little effort has been made to explain what influences the tourist's consumption of alcoholic beverages in a tourist destination and to establish a measurement scale for those influencers. This study followed the systematic procedures of scale development measurement recommended by prior studies. The scale development process yielded a measurement scale with appropriate reliability and content validity. The five underlying influential dimensions of alcohol consumption experience were identified as tourists' knowledge and past experience, choice of alcoholic beverage, choice of drinkscape, social setting and service experience. This is the first study to focus on scale development for measuring the alcoholic beverage experience of a tourist and modelling it to the revisit intention or the willingness to recommend the alcohol consumption or the drinkscapes. The findings and implementations of the developed scale are discussed in terms of both theoretical and managerial implications.



Hospitality; Tourism; Alcohol consumption; Alcotourism; Alcohol Consumption Experience; Scale development; Experiencescapes


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