Dhian Tyas Untari, Alaidin Rapani, Sutardi Sutardi


This study aims to 1). Analyzing the factors that influence adolescent interest in culinary products. 2) To find out whether the development of culinary products with their services can generate youth interest in culinary products. In conducting this research, the research population is people in Depok with three categories of adolescents, namely 12-15 years = early adolescence, 15-18 years = middle adolescence, and 18-21 years = late adolescence. With a sample of 87 respondents for each category. Based on the results of research that the development of culinary products and services is very influential on people's interest in consuming a culinary product. By using factor analysis, these factors are reduced to two variables, namely product variables and service variables. The results of the study stated that partially the product was more dominant in building public interest in consuming culinary products. In connection with the development of traditional culinary products, product and service developers can be the focus of the traditional culinary product development strategy


Traditional culinary; Interest; Product development


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