Antecedents of perceived value and its impact on tourist satisfaction: A Bangladesh perspective study

Mohammed ALAMGIR, Alexandru Mircea NEDELEA


Understanding target tourists’ value proposition is critical for devising wining destination marketing strategy. Many tourism researchers argued perceived value as the most important elements for gaining competitive edge and a significant predictor of customer satisfaction. However, in Bangladesh context, there is a lack of research in this area. To minimize the gap, this study proposes a tourist satisfaction model for a destination and explores the antecedents of tourists’ perceived value. A conceptual model encompassing the notions of perceived quality, tourist expectation, perceived cost, destination image, perceived value and tourist satisfaction in the tourism setting has been developed. The model is then empirically tested using SmartPls 2.0 software. Empirical results, based on the samples of 202 randomly selected tourists from Bandarban support that perceived quality, perceived cost, tourist expectation and destination image are four key antecedents of perceived value which eventually effects tourist satisfaction. A more comprehensive model can be developed considering some other context specific antecedent variables. Managerial implications have been drawn and further research is also suggested.


Perceived value, tourist satisfaction, SmartPLS


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