
Sustainable development is a dynamic concept, with many dimensions and interpretations. It is seen as a process of permanent change, related to the local context, needs, and regional priorities. Sustainable development appeared, on the one hand, as an answer to the necessity of a balance between the economic progress and the social one, and on the other hand from the concern regarding the environment and the administration of natural resources. Consequently, sustainable development of tourism should focus on total valorisation of special natural and cultural resources, on improvement of the quality of life in local communities, as well as on fulfilment of tourists’ motivations and requirements in accordance with environmental conservation and protection for the future generations. Therefore, sustainable development in tourism cannot take place without a sustainable tourism. The administration and the assurance of tourism durability imply first the understanding of this concept, and second the analysis and the calculation of sustainable tourism indicators. In this paper we intend to do these things, and we chose to calculate the sustainable tourism indicators for the North-East Region of Romania, with the purpose to quantify sustainable tourism in this area.


tourism; sustainable development; sustainable development of tourism; durability


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