Journal Sponsorship


“Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Publishing House (USV Publishing House), founded in 1996, is organized and operates with priority in order to capitalize by publishing the results of the research activity carried out by the academic body of the University. Under the auspices of the USV Publishing House, both scientific, single author's or collective works, as well as university courses and other teaching materials are published. USV Publishing House publishes most of the University's periodicals (annals, scientific bulletins, scientific journals, conference volumes), as well as other works of general or university interest. In recent years, the publishing house has published a very large number of books (over 60 in 2019), created several successful collections (for example “Studia Doctoralia”), managed to publish translations of universal literature, etc.

Editura Universitatii Stefan cel Mare din Suceava


Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV) is one of the most dynamic universities in Eastern Europe, providing higher education of high quality standards at a relatively low cost. USV provides a comprehensive curriculum including more than 130 undergraduate, master, doctoral, post-doctoral and lifelong education programs of study. Located in the beautiful multicultural land of Bukovina, USV is surrounded by the greatest density of UNESCO monuments in Eastern Europe and numerous picturesque landscapes that offer students great opportunities for extracurricular activities.

Sources of Support

The Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business was founded in 1990, with a single specialization, The Management of Commerce & Turism Firms, at that time. In the 24 years since its foundation the Faculty became more independent, constantly increased and strengthened. Currently over 4000 students are studying in the 11 undergraduate programs and 11 master programs. Approximately 700 students benefit by the distance learning form, using the informatics platform of the University.With superior study resources, with a well trained teaching staff and an outstanding IT infrastructure, our faculty has received national accreditation for most of the study programs it develops.
Every year we are pleased to welcome new generation of students wanting to achieve their personal goals, to be responsible European and global citizens and to be leaders in industry and government.