Destination weddings have become increasingly popular, offering couples a unique opportunity to exchange vows in exotic and picturesque locales. This study investigates the multifaceted dimensions of destination weddings in Uttarakhand, India, employing advanced statistical methodologies to analyze the factors influencing attendees' satisfaction and future intentions. After providing 600 questionnaires to respondents who travelled to the state of Uttarakhand to enjoy a destination wedding, 429 viable responses were obtained overall. Utilizing IBM SPSS version 21 and AMOS 21.0, the research applies Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and mediation and moderation analysis to discern differences in culinary experiences, scrutinize the proposed structural model, and explore the mediation and moderation effects. The study's significance lies in its potential to inform destination wedding practices, offering insights for planners, hospitality professionals, and policymakers to enhance attendee experiences. The findings contribute to both academic understanding and practical applications in the dynamic landscape of destination weddings and experiential tourism.
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