Muhammed Salim Anappattath, Shiby M Thomas


Thematic analysis was conducted using transcripts derived from 28 in-depth stakeholder interviews conducted in the top four foreign tourist destinations in Kerala. The objective of this study was to analyse the cultural and psychological factors underlying the tourism destinations and international tourism of Kerala. It is expected to provide insights for enhancing the effectiveness of tourism regulation and management. It is observed that certain factors such as destination’s safety features, repeat visits, prevalence of culinary tourism and the cultural preferences of European tourists had a positive and widespread impact on tourism in Kerala. At the same time, certain behavioural issues such as poor waste management, noise pollution, and overcrowding, had a common negative effect on international tourism in Kerala. Additionally, instances of cheating and misbehaviour against foreign tourists in these destinations have tarnished the overall visitor experience and negatively impacted arrivals. In summary, our qualitative analysis sheds light on the intricate relationship between cultural and psychological factors and their influence on international tourism in Kerala.



thematic analysis, cultural and psychological factors, Kerala’s international tourism, behavioural issues


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