This study employs exploratory research to investigate the underexplored topic of dark tourism, focusing on marketing strategies. Our study covers diverse perspectives on 'dark tourism,' examining its academic evolution and industry development, with secondary objectives including analyzing motivation models, exploring the impact, describing destinations, and discussing marketing strategies. Throughout the introduction section we present briefly the concept and argue the curiosity of the topic. In the third section we analyze motivation models and argue a series of dark tourists’ drivers. Throughout the fourth section of the paper, we emphasize the impact of dark tourism throughout potential effects both positive and negative for the involved parties. In section number five, we describe a selection of “dark tourism” destinations and reveal both their points of attraction for tourists and the stories behind. Section six, discusses options for marketing the dark destinations, and the critical aspects which make the difference in such strategies. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of responsible marketing in dark tourism, catering to the specific needs of visitors, and contributing to a broader understanding of the evolving dynamics of the global tourism market. The exploration of dark tourism is crucial to ensure ethical and sustainable marketing strategies.
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