The role of social media platforms in choosing and promoting cross-border tourism destinations. Case study South Dobrogea tourist destination - the Cadrilater (Romania-Bulgaria)

Gheorghe Lixandrescu, Manuela Barbarie, Adriana Bianca Ovreiu, Anca Albu


Since the 2000s, social media platforms have begun to actively develop and increase the coefficient of marketing activities in the tourism sector. Over time, these platforms have played a key role in stimulating the user's confidence in choosing a tourist destination. This indicates that the early 2000s managed to shape a certain dependence on these platforms regarding the choice of destination both for existing tourists, and for potential ones. This article aims to conduct a research study on the influence of the most popular social platforms in choosing cross-border tourist destinations, with a focus on the destination of South Dobrogea - The Cadrilater. To achieve this, the research adopted a hybrid approach. Initially, an analysis of the specialty literature was performed, followed by the application of a questionnaire on a sample of 200 respondents.


tourism promotion; social media platforms; South Dobrogea; Cadrilater.


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