Ladakh has emerged as one of the most popular adventure tourism destinations in India during the last few years. The total number of tourist arrivals far exceeds the local population. The tourism-related services and facilities play a dominant role while selecting a destination for their vacation. The satisfaction survey about the quality of tourism services and facilities available to tourists such as accommodation, quality and variety of cuisines, local transportation, public facilities, shopping facilities, health services, trekking and rafting, the behaviour of the local population, cleanliness of tourist spots and overall value of money at the destination was carried out. Their demographic, socio-economic, and travel characteristics of visitors were also collected. The study has analyzed the relationship of satisfaction of sample tourists towards tourism-related services and facilities in Leh district using cross-tabulation. Chi-square test was used to know whether there is any significant relationship between the type of tourists and the services and facilities that were availed during their stay in Leh district. This study is relevant for tourism stakeholders as it provides valuable information to identify differences among foreign and domestic tourists about services and facilities which eventually may support greater understanding for improving tourism products and services.
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