Marketing concept is the base of market-oriented business. In competitive economy customers may choose from whom and how to buy, while services program is constantly evolving in accordance with their demands. In order to be successful, the tourist enterprise must always provide superior value, better than competitors, when it comes to quality, price and services. Marketing combination of management activities should find the best way to fulfill customer's needs and follow new organizational changes. New organizational changes denote new internal and external dimensions of marketing. Internal are related to teamwork and creation of data basis about customers and business partners, and external with developing partnership relations, not only with the customers, but with the suppliers and distributors. In the wealthy process of the tourist and hotel management activities especially by the promotion, of the tourist offer, we face ourselves with lots of details which are details only at the first sight, in fact they are very important things from which resides that the very good reputation of the offer depends and it also influences the tourism development.
The contemporary market is characterized by very sensitive diversification and the complexity of the relationship in the sphere of the offer and other. That is why the promoted activities become more essential. This necessity is much emphasized in the tourist market
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